From claims that fasting makes you thin and feeds the brain to the suggestion that it can even reboot the immune system, Amy Fleming looks at the scientific evidence for restricted eating.As far back as the 1930s, scientists have been exploring the benefits of reducing calories by skipping meals. During that time, one American scientist found that significantly reducing calories helped mice live longer, healthier lives.
Get the fasting diet free application to learn more about the fasting diet. Find out what are the 5 more important intermittent fasting methods. Also learn more about the fasting diet before you start that way you will get better results out of your fasting diet.
If you feel too tired or start feeling sick please stop the fasting diet immediately and see your doctor. Fasting diet is like any other diet, it is better if you take advice before starting fasting diet.
Stands to reason: you don’t eat enough calories, you start burning off your fat reserves – after you’ve used up the emergency glycogen stores in your liver first, which is why there’s no point doing half measures with fasting (and why drip feeding meagre fasting-day rations throughout waking hours will be less effective than using them up in one or two meals and only consuming lovely, er, water for the rest of the time). That is why fasting diet will help you lose weight and feel better.
Start the fasting diet today. This fasting diet android application is totally free so don’t hesitate to share it with all your friends and family.